Thursday 3 December 2009

Here is another example of a music magazine front cover. The Institution is Uncut and it is produced by IPC Media. For this particular issue of the magazine, the familiar masthead uses the colour gold which has the connotations of royalty and speciality. The reason the magazine has used this colour for the masthead is because the music artist featured on the front cover of this issue is one of the most famous of all time- John Lennon. As a member of the Beatles, he is considered a music legend which is possibly why the colour gold has been used. Also in black stamped writing it says 'ROCK LEGENDS Special Edition'. The artist is featured in medium shot and the photograph of him used was not done during a photoshoot for the magazine, as it is an older image that has been used for this special edition. On the photo he is shown holding a ciggarette in his hand, the representation of this symbolic code is that he is quite rebellious. This works well because above the image as a cover line it says 'Rebel, Dreamer, Genius.' These three words have been used to sum up and give an overview of the artists importance. The main cover line that has been used uses bright red block capitals and says 'LENNON'. This is just to show the reader who is featured on the front cover. His first name is not even mentioned as he is so well known that is assumed people know who he is. The cover lines of the front cover are featured in the bottom right hand corner using the familiar red and white colour scheme of the Uncut magazine. They feature brief descriptions of what the particular articles are about. The anchorage of the front cover is a subtitle that says 'After the Beatles'. This shows the reader that this image of John Lennon is from after when he was in The Beatles.
The splash of the front cover features all the conventions of a typical music magazine front cover. Things such as a barcode, the date, the price, and the masthead title piece are all included on the front cover.

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