Monday 30 November 2009

Here is an example of a double page spread taken from a huge U2 article included in Q magazine. It features a darkened close up image of the bands drummer with backlighting. The drummer is photographed in profile which is effective as it shows the backlighting. The symbolic code of the drummer having backlighting highlights the person's importance.

The text is featured on top of the image with a red and white colour scheme. The typeface resembles writing typed out on a computer. A pull quote has been used that gives the reader a preview of what is included inside the text. It says: 'Tony Blair is a war criminal' then under that the writing is red which gives the connotations of danger and blood which relates to war.

The splash of the double page spread features a main image which takes up most of the space surrounded by text on the left and right sides. The article features a question and answer session with the drummer and again uses the red and white colour scheme to seperate the questions from the answers. The text has been positioned and wrapped in a certain way around the main image to show its importance. This is down the left hand side and along the bottom of the double page.

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