Saturday 5 December 2009

Here is an example of a double page spread from the popular NME magazine. The layout of the double page spread features the main image of Lily Allen in medium shot on the right page of the spread. She has her hands on her hips which symbolises her rebelliousness. Also noticeable in the layout of the double page spread is how the text has been wrapped around the left hand side of the main image. The large main headline is a pull quote which has been taken from an interesting part of the text to draw the readers attention and make them want to read the article. It says: "People think i'm an attention seeker, but i'm just honest". This quote is representative of the music artist's rebelliousness. I think that the style of text used for this pull quote is very important to the idea that the text symbolises to the target audience as it uses different sized upper and lower case letters, some of which are capitals which makes the text appear as if it has been taken from different newspaper headlines. This is the style of lettering that would be used for punk lettering, and I think that this is what the text communicates to the audience through its written code. Underneath the quote is the main text article which uses a black type face and is included against a plain white background which makes it stand out more to the reader of the magazine.

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