Saturday 5 December 2009

Here is another example of a music magazine front cover taken from Q magazine. It features the magazine's masthead title piece with tagline 'A different take on music' which could perhaps be representative of the magazines Ideology which is to perhaps give the reader a different insight on music. The splash of the front cover uses quite a simplistic colour scheme and the main image features Lily Allen topless in full body shot which symbolises the idea of seduction to the audience. Also featured in the image are two black panthers which perhaps communicates Lily Allen's ferociousness because she is stood with them, dressed mainly in black. There is also a subtitle which says 'Sexy Beast' with a fairly simple typeface used and blue and white colours to show contrast between the two words. This subtitle gives anchorage of the main image. It is trying to communicate to the audience that Lily Allen is a sexy beast. However, the colours blue and white have been used deliberately in this subtitle to show contrast between the two words 'sexy' and 'beast'. The language of the front page all relates to the animal world and drawing comparison between music artists and these different beasts. In the main feature: headline which utilises large bold colours to catch the attention of the reader it gives the name of Lily Allen and the colour white is used for allen- this is also used for sexy which draws the comparison between the two. Also, beneath the main headline is another subtitle which summarises the main feature. It says '& her wicked, wicked ways' which uses alliteration to make it more noticeable to the audience, also there is emphasis through use of colour and italics on the word 'wicked' which is repeated twice for empahasis. The colour used to highlight this repeated word is red which has the connotation of danger, perhaps communicating the the audience that Lily allen is a dangerous and wicked beast, who is sexy.
Also featured on this page in the top right hand corner are some cover lines which describes some of the smaller features included inside the magazine. The bands names use large bold text which become instantly eye-catching to the reader who may be interested in these bands. Above the 'OASIS' cover line is a pull quote from inside the magazine that is shown by italics and speech marks around the quote. It says "I am a tiger!" which I think has been chosen because it has relevance to the front cover which features black panthers on the front.
This magazine features most of the conventions of a music magazine such as the barcode in the bottom right corner, the price, date and issue number which are also included, and the masthead title piece which is the familiar Q magazine logo which uses a red background and makes it recognisable against other magazines. Also included on the front page of the magazine is a subtitle which describes one of the smaller features inside the magazine: 'The 25 greatest rock movies' - this is highlighted to show importance by a circular graphic shape which makes it look like a sticker.
Finally, along the bottom of the front cover is a black banner which includes the names of some of the band featured inside the magazine. The colour of the band names is white which makes them stand out against the black banner.

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