Saturday 5 December 2009

Here is another example of a contents page taken from the NME magazine. The splash of the page features two main images in the middle of the contents page with text wrapped around the images. The masthead title piece is featured in the top left corner and the main headline is included on the top of the page in large bold lettering which makes it noticeable. Underneath the headline is the date which tells the reader when the magazine was published. Along the left hand side of the page are all the subtitles which have been included in a collumn format to give structure to the layout of the page. These subtitles give brief descriptions about the features included inside the magazine. Also included underneath the subtitles are the page numbers which tell the reader which page to go to and make the contents page a useful function to the readers of the magazine. Underneath the two main images it says: "The moment that...Oasis kicked off their world tour"- this subheading gives anchorage of the two main images as it tells the reader that the musicians shown on the images are both members of the band Oasis during their world tour. Also featured on the page in a collumn down the left hand side which is a Band Index. This is included for the convenience of the reader as they may have been interested in the bands featured on the front cover and it tells them which pages inside the magazine the different bands are featured. The collumn uses a red background which is the colour of the NME logo and it shows that it is seperate from the rest of the contents page which gives brief descriptions about the articles inside the magazine.
At the bottom of the page is an offer/adverts blurb which uses a black banner-style shape with bright yellow writing to interest the reader in subscribing to the magazine. Underneath the words 'Subscribe Today' it says: 'Save 33%' which is a special offer used to try and interest the buyer of the magazine

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