Monday 9 November 2009

Here is an example of a typical music magazine cover. It features 7 musicians in medium close-up shot. It is a popular mainstream magazine that appeals to The masthead is a logo for the Institution which is the'NME' which stands for New Musical Express. It is bold and eye-catching which makes it instantly recognisable over other music magazines. It is published weekly to keep readers updated with musical news and upcoming bands.
The splash of the front cover is very busy with lots of people and writing squashed to fit onto the page. The musicians are stood in a certain formation to fit around the masthead which is featured in the top left of the page. One of the musicians is not stood up straight like the rest which perhaps shows that he is rebellious.
The Ideology of the NME is to keep the readers interested by featuring new, modern bands and upcoming talent. The title of the magazine 'NME' sounds like enemy, and of course this particular magazine is the enemy of mainstream magazines.
The representation of this magazine is that it is a rebellious magazine that appeals to a younger target audience. The connotations of these young band members is that they are cool and rebellious. Another way in which this magazine aappeals to its target audience is by featuring an interesting colour scheme that instantly draws attention to the magazine, the colours featured on this magazine are mainly purple and yellow which contrast with each other.
The cover line of this magazine reads: 'FREE CD' in block capital letters against a yellow background. The connotations of the colour yellow is danger or warning which shows the importance of the free cd. The cover lines are placed to the left side of the page and the main coverline which says 'Love Music Hate Racism'. There is contrast between the words 'love' and 'hate' which are represented by different colours.

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