Monday 30 November 2009

Here is an example of a double page spread taken from a huge U2 article included in Q magazine. It features a darkened close up image of the bands drummer with backlighting. The drummer is photographed in profile which is effective as it shows the backlighting. The symbolic code of the drummer having backlighting highlights the person's importance.

The text is featured on top of the image with a red and white colour scheme. The typeface resembles writing typed out on a computer. A pull quote has been used that gives the reader a preview of what is included inside the text. It says: 'Tony Blair is a war criminal' then under that the writing is red which gives the connotations of danger and blood which relates to war.

The splash of the double page spread features a main image which takes up most of the space surrounded by text on the left and right sides. The article features a question and answer session with the drummer and again uses the red and white colour scheme to seperate the questions from the answers. The text has been positioned and wrapped in a certain way around the main image to show its importance. This is down the left hand side and along the bottom of the double page.

Monday 23 November 2009

Here is a mood board that I have created to show examples of different music magazines and contents pages.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Conventions of a Music Magazine Front Cover

  • Masthead
  • Main image
  • Main cover line
  • Cover lines
  • Anchorage (describes the main image)
  • Selling Lines
  • Large bold attractive graphics
  • Suitable colour scheme
  • Price tag

Here is an example of a contents page from the music magazine Q. It features the band The Courteeners in full body shot stood on top of a hill. The band standing on top of hill gives the connotations that they are 'on top of' most other bands and the symbolic codes of the picture represents power. Undernearth is a quote that reads "He's just showing off.' Liam Fray's mum hits nail on head." The way in which the band members are stood in the picture represents the bands rebellious attitute.

The mise en scene of the page features all the required conventions of a contents page. It uses a large image of the band that takes up most of the page and will grab the readers attention, perhaps to show importance. It is accompanied by numbered sub-headings and brief descriptions of what is featured on each page.

The language of the page features sub-headings that include interesting titles that have elements of comedy that would appeal to the target audience. It uses phrases such as 'Rock Star Fitness' in the Subtitles to give the reader an idea of what is included inside the magazine.

The splash of the contents page features the main image on the right hand side with the the numerical sub-headings featured in a collumn down the left hand side. One of the subtitles is placed over the image of the band to give the reader information about the band whilst also being a function.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Here is a double page spread featuring the band 'Carbon Silicon' from the music magazine- Uncut. Uncut magazine is a popular monthly publication based in london. It is targetted to a slightly older audience and this is reflected in the layout and language of this double page spread.

The headline text uses large bold lettering that stands out and the sub-heading uses appropriate terminology such as 'punk veterans' to describe the band. This language is appropriate because the audience of the magazine will be more familiar with the punk era which was during the 70's. Alliteration is also used in the sub-heading where it says 'raw, roaring, and back-to-basics'. The main image features the band in medium shot with the tallest person stood to the far right.

The Institution of the magazine is Uncut. Uncut meaning that nothing has been cut or left out. The ideology of this magazine is that nothing has been left out and the magazine is full of information about the bands. The magazine gives the idea of getting a behind the scenes look at some of the most popular bands.

The double page spread uses a more simplistic colour scheme of blue and black unlike the NME magazine which uses a busy colour scheme of contrasting, bright colours to represent the NME magazine as a rebellious magazine.

The main image of the band features them in medium shot, and the picture potrays the idea that the reader is reading something exclusive. The image features the band backstage, as if caught before or after a gig. One of the band members is shown holding a guitar, the connotations of this is that they are about to go on stage or have just come off. The band are represented in this certain way to fit the ideology of Uncut magazine.

The main feature:Headline of this article uses block capital letters and says 'CARBON/SILICON' which is the name of the band. Underneath is some anchorage which says 'Punk veterans unite to unleash raw, roaring, back-to-basics debut.' This describes the main image which is a picture of the band members.

The layout of the article features two columns of text on the left hand side of the page, and the image on the right. Underneath, along the bottom of the double page is an interview with one of the members of the band. This box has a background colour of blue which makes this article stand out amongst the rest of the text which is featured on a white background.

Monday 9 November 2009

Here is an example of a typical music magazine cover. It features 7 musicians in medium close-up shot. It is a popular mainstream magazine that appeals to The masthead is a logo for the Institution which is the'NME' which stands for New Musical Express. It is bold and eye-catching which makes it instantly recognisable over other music magazines. It is published weekly to keep readers updated with musical news and upcoming bands.
The splash of the front cover is very busy with lots of people and writing squashed to fit onto the page. The musicians are stood in a certain formation to fit around the masthead which is featured in the top left of the page. One of the musicians is not stood up straight like the rest which perhaps shows that he is rebellious.
The Ideology of the NME is to keep the readers interested by featuring new, modern bands and upcoming talent. The title of the magazine 'NME' sounds like enemy, and of course this particular magazine is the enemy of mainstream magazines.
The representation of this magazine is that it is a rebellious magazine that appeals to a younger target audience. The connotations of these young band members is that they are cool and rebellious. Another way in which this magazine aappeals to its target audience is by featuring an interesting colour scheme that instantly draws attention to the magazine, the colours featured on this magazine are mainly purple and yellow which contrast with each other.
The cover line of this magazine reads: 'FREE CD' in block capital letters against a yellow background. The connotations of the colour yellow is danger or warning which shows the importance of the free cd. The cover lines are placed to the left side of the page and the main coverline which says 'Love Music Hate Racism'. There is contrast between the words 'love' and 'hate' which are represented by different colours.

Thursday 5 November 2009

LIIAR (Key Concepts)

L- Language- the wording and Terminology used in a piece of Media. The language and terms have to be appropriate to the piece. For instance, a college magazine would have to use terms relevant to education and teaching.

I- Institution- quite simply is the company/organisation which produces the media. For instance, Kerrang!, which produces both Kerrang! music channel and Kerrang! magazine. Both of which are highly popular.

I- Ideology- Individual concepts which pieces of media try to get across. These can be expressed both explicitly and Implicitly. These concepts could be anything from stereotyping to trying to make a product 'sexy' and attractive, such as the perfume my induction task was based on.

A- Audience- The type of audience the piece of Media attracts. This is vitaly important as it is attracting the right audience. For instance. college magazines have to attract an audience which consists of both teachers and students. Mainstream magazines try to be as aesthetically pleasing to everyone as possible.

R- Representation- How the concepts of Ideology are put forward. For instance the perfume is represented by colours that have the connotation of 'love'- Red, Pink, Purple. This is a concept which people recognise easily.

Monday 2 November 2009

The Brief

Main Task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used be original, produced by you- minimum of four images.